Wednesday, February 22, 2012

She passionately loves natural, healthy ...

(NaturalNews) improving the health of your family in the winter with natural antibiotics, stimulants and drugs. Common diseases such as colds, flu and other throat infection can be prevented and / or treated with simple, natural antibiotics and drugs. Used on a regular basis these natural stimulants help keep disease at bay. Natural antibiotics are garlic, echinacea and hidrastis is anti-inflammatory and anti-virus and possess resilient properties. These herbs help in fighting viruses and bacteria that can cause colds and flu, and they help thin mucus accumulation, which can lead to ear infections and sinusitis. Use as a preventive in capsule form or as a tincture or tea. Increase dose as needed if symptoms occur under your protection practices. Garlic can be eaten raw or used in cooking on a daily basis. Goldenseal: otherwise known as orangeroot, hidrastis, according to herbalists as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It is often recommended for the astringent effect it produces on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It is also used to enhance the medical effects of other herbs it is mixed or formulated. Wild Indigo is a powerful natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory herbs. As a herbal remedy, wild indigo is considered as motivate the immune system strattera cost in the body, and he has many other applications. While wild indigo is particularly useful in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, they say, be useful in the treatment of infectious diseases of the chest, gastrointestinal tract and even skin. It can be taken in liquid form: the recommended dose to 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day. It can also be combined with Echinacea. Olive leaves helps against almost any type of infection - bacterial, viral, fungal. The use of olive leaf extract capsules (250 mg) three times a day during meals for the treatment of flu, colds, sinusitis, herpes, psoriasis and allergies. More tips for winter health: Eat plenty of oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, kiwi, fruits and vegetables such as red and green peppers and broccoli daily dose of natural vitamin C. a cup of green tea with honey and lemon will do much to fight with a common disease in the winter. The antioxidants will stimulate the immune system and help the respiratory system, while the honey and lemon will help relieve cough and sore throat. Ginger helps fight fever because of the flu. Fleur Hupston is a professional writer. She is passionate about natural, healthy lifestyle and is currently studying for a naturopath. She divides her time between writing Natural News and various other sites, home schooling their children and studying part-time. There are comments on this article? Send them here: people

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